Friday Fax Vol. 3, No. 26, 19.05.2000
* After only four months in operation the number of groups supporting the
Holy See at the UN has grown to over 2,000 and come from more than 50
countries and all continents. The campaign began in secret in early January
and was announced publicly at a UN press conference on March 15.
* The campaign now includes the largest Evangelical groups in the world,
including Focus on the Family, and among the most important Islamic groups
as well, including the London-based al-Khoei Foundation. The al-Khoei
foundation, which joined the campaign three weeks ago, expressed great
sadness that pro-abortion groups would attack the Holy See. The al-Khoei
Foundation is the largest Shiite Muslim foundation in the world and runs
some of the largest and most important universities in the Middle East.
* The campaign began as a reaction to the efforts of pro-abortion
extremists to run the Holy See out of its seat as a UN Observer. As a UN
Observer the Holy See is not allowed to vote in the General Assembly but
can participate in UN debates. As the UN has ventured further into the
private reproductive lives of the world´s citizens, the Holy See has
participated in a coalition of states that have stopped numerous radical
initiatives including making abortion a universally recognized human right.
This has angered pro-abortion
* After more than a year the «See Change» campaign has gathered only 498
mostly pro-abortion, population control, and lesbian groups to their side.
This number came only after campaign leader «Catholics for a Free Choice»
(CFFC) ran ads on the front page of the New York Times and hired a
full-time staff member to run the campaign. [Last week the US Bishops
condemned CFFC for promoting abortion and for erroneously calling itself
* Worried that its campaign is floundering and has possibly backfired, CFFC
just hired Heidenpriem and Mager, a high-powered Washington DC public
relations firm, to run the «See Change» campaign and to defeat the pro-Holy
See resolutions being considered in the US House and Senate. The account is
being run by Nikki Heidepriem, a former official in the Carter
Administration. Hiring Heidepriem demonstrates not just the panic at CFFC
but also the tremendous financial resources it has to draw from. In their
statement last week the US Catholic Bishops pointed out that CFFC is little
more than a front for what is a very wealthy international abortion
industry. CFFC´s budget tops US$ 4 million annually.
* Many wonder why CFFC continues its campaign given that opposition to it
has galvanized from all points of the globe. In fact, CFFC president
Francis Kissling recently admitted defeat. In her own newsletter she wrote,
«It (the Vatican) surely cannot fear that the UN will actually take up the
issue.» The campaign appears to be mostly about harassment. In 1991
Kissling was quoted as saying she had «looked for twenty years for a
government to overthrow» without landing in jail and she «finally found it
in the Catholic Church.»
Copyright – C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute).
Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.