©PHOTOPQR/LE PARISIEN/Olivier Corsan ; Paris ; 31/05/2020 ; Paris, France, le 31 mai 2020. Plus d'un an après son incendie, le parvis de la cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Paris a été rouvert au public. Pour l'occasion, Mgr Michel Aupetit (sur la photo), archevêque de Paris, était présent. Paris, France, May 31, 2020. More than a year after its fire, the square in front of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral has been reopened to the public. For the occasion, Anne Hidalgo (on the right), the mayor of Paris, Mgr Patrick Chauvet (on the left), archpriest rector of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral and Frank Riester (in the center), the Minister of Culture were present . (MaxPPP TagID: maxnewsspecial444437.jpg) [Photo via MaxPPP]